
why doesn't Bizagi support the creation of two (one-to-many) relationships in data modeling ?

I want to create a data model where two (one-to-many) relationships need to created.


Dear Ahmad,

In order to understand your question, please describe with an example.

Thank you in advance


I need to create three master entities two of them have (one-to-many) with the third entity.

example :

i have :

  1. Student entity.
  2. Coach entity
  3. Coaching session entity

the student and the coach has multiple coaching sessions, so the student and the coach have a collection of coaching sessions.


Dear Ahmad,

Bizagi offers four types of relationships between entities, providing greater flexibility in your data model. We think the relation you need is Many to Many.

Many-to-many relationships are established when one instance of an entity (entity A) is associated with one, zero or many instances of another entity (entity B), and one instance of entity B is associated with one, zero or many instances of entity A. For example, in a Loan Request Process, a request may have several products (personal loan, credit card) and several collaterals, or guarantees to cover the products (co-borrower, mortgage). Each product may have many associated guarantees. Thus, there is a multiple to multiple relationship between Guarantees and Products: A product can be covered by several guarantees of the request, and a guarantee can cover several products of the request. A many-to-many relationship is modeled as a double arrow line with an asterisk (*) at each arrow end.

To know how to implement, please check this article:
