Is it possible to use custom made component on user form? (vue.js or react.js)
I need to make custom component with javascript framework - vue.js or react.js
How can i use my own js file on user form?
If yes, is it possible to interract whith bizagi api with this js file loaded on user form?
Thank you.
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is it possible to respond faster?
2 months unanswered is a poor indicator of customer care...
Dear Alexander,
First of all, we offer you an apology for the delay in our response. We are working to answer faster in our community sites. Secondly, about your question, we ask you to be more specific about which component you want to integrate with Bizagi. Meanwhile...
Yes! In fact, it is possible to use widgets and connectors (already designed and customized too) and use them in any form that you want. Vue and React are accepted by Bizagi but, bear in mind that one scenario is to integrate a custom widget or a custom connector, and another scenario is to integrate or render a complete development of your form in your own js file. We always recommend the best practices in modeling, using the Forms Modeler. If the development is too complex you may have issues with libraries and dependencies. Finally, we will share with you the documentation for custom widgets and custom connectors:
Hope this information works for you!
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