
ERROR in translate


When translating buttons, when we translate them, the position of the buttons changes. For example, the value creation buttons in the Web Entities section. This has been tested in several languages, for example Persian and Spanish.

Inside the boxes, blue 1 means save, but acts as a cancellation

Number 2 means cancel but save works and it is because we translate the buttons.

Comments (1)


Dear Yousef,

Thank you for letting us know about the issue.

Currently, Bizagi does not support Persian, so the inconsistency might be due to a faulty custom translation. The buttons you show in image 3.png are standard in their position and action, although the text might be changed (the actions correspond to the text shown in the attached image--the right button cancels while the left button saves).

Please be mindful of that as the issue you are reporting might be fixed on the customized translation process outside of the scope of Bizagi.

Kind regards,

Laura G