Communication Templates for Connectors
I am attempting to use SendGrid to send email communications. However, the mapper for this seems very limited. It only allows mapping from elements of the data model or constant values. While I could do something inelegant such as put the body of the communication in the process data model and build it in an intermediate step, this seems obviously wrong. Is there some trick to creating a standard template that I can then populate with data from the data model and map it to the body (named html in the mapper) field?
I'm in the process of building a POC to make a business case for BizAgi and this is a common type of operation so I would not think it should be this challenging.
Dear James,
Currently there is no way to create a template and then be reused in the body of emails. if you want to reuse some information must be included in each email.
Another option that could be taken into account is to use the document templates. They are stored as file type attributes that can be downloaded or sent via e-mail at any time during the process life cycle. For more information, please refer to
Even you can implement multiple document templates according to your needs. Follow this article for further information:
Best regards.
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