
Cloud Models Disappeared

I couldn't find my cloud saved models when Bizagi Modeler

My models are listed but whenever I try to load the, a message says "This model is not available anymore" and I'm told to get in touch with the model owner (myself) for more information.

Something seems to have occurred this week and all I want is a copy of said models. I was not warned this might happen so it's a very uncomfortable situation since I trusted Bizagi's services to protect my data. The screenshot is in portuguese.

Comments (7)


Dear Allan,

Thank you for reaching out to us. If this is about Bizagi Modeler, this issue most likely happened because the license you had with us (Professional or Workgroup) expired recently and was transformed into a Personal (free) version of the software that does not have the feature of cloud storage. If this is the case, please let us know which license you used to have and if the email you used to publish this question is the one associated with the expired subscription (if not, please let us know the email). This will help us to create a request to the corresponding team to open temporal cloud access for the account associated with the subscription so that you may be able to access and download your models from cloud to local storage.

Kind regards,

Laura G


Poderia avaliar meu caso?


I have the same problem Laura, could you help me too? My account is this i'm speenking, could create the request for me?


Estou tendo o mesmo problema.

Fiquei afastada por 11 meses, quando retornei ao trabalho vi que todos os arquivos haviam sumido da nuvem do Bizagi.

Muito frustante.. Alguma solução???

1 tb. Tinha meus arquivos salvos na nuvem agora nem opção de recuperar eu tenho mais.

Poderia pelo menos disponibilizar os arquivos salvos? meu email e, o mesmo que faço login no bizagi


Laura, minha licença sempre foi gratuita.

Eu sempre tive um espaço disponível em nuvem, pequeno mas que cabia todos os meus modelos criados.

Consegue disponibilizar apenas para eu baixar, por gentileza?



Dear Laura,

I've come across the same challenge.

I am a new user and I created my first file. When I tried to create the third sheet within the same file, I received an error message informing that I would need to subsequently save it on Bizagi cloud, which I did.

Over the course of the following days, with the program constantly opened, I could successfully edit and build my flow and my model. Then I closed it for the weekend.

Yesterday I opened the file and only the first two sheets were available in the local folder. The other two which were intensely improved last week were simply not there. I logged in and no file was available. However, it shows I'm using some space I'm not entitled to, apparently.

May you please come to my aid and rescue this file for me to save it locally? I so urgently need it.

Thank you in advance for your attention.

Best regards,
