
Would you like to register? If you click No the Modeler will close. Wont go away.


A message window apears after i sign in after opening the Bizagi Modeler.(We would like to know you better and help fast-track you BPM journey. Would you like to register? If you click No the Modeler will close.) And it won't go away even after I sign in successfully. How do i fix this?

Comments (9)


Dear Davor,

Recently we had a problem with the authentication token and the authentication service and this was causing an undesired loop in the Sign-In process. This issue is fixed. You can also try aborting the sign-in process, closing everything and re-trying to login.

Which version of Modeler are you using?

Please let us know if the problem persists.

Best regards.


O mesmo problema.


O token está em loop constante e não abre para que se faça o registro solicitado.



Estou com esse mesmo problema e a minha vesão é a mais atual.


Baixei e o token fica em loop sem mostrar a caixa para registrar-se.


Dear all,

To use Bizagi Modeler you need to create a Bizagi account, which gives you access not only to the modeler but also to multiple free online resources that help you in your digitization journey.

To create a Bizagi account you have different options:

    Create an account using our default registration, or

      Register your Google or Microsoft account in Bizagi.

      Enable trusted sites (URL Requirements) and review the system requirements in the following link:

      If you have an Enterprise plan, you should use your corporate account. Please refer to the following link for more information on how to sign up to Enterprise plans:

      Please let us know if this helps or if you need further information.

      Kind regards,

      Laura G.


      Hi, I've made an account, downloaded the modeler app, but when I try to log in on the application it says its the wrong email or password.

      I'm confused because logging in online is no probleem.


      Tengo un problema parecido. Cree una cuenta, lo instalé y luego de abrirlo y logearme, aparece en blanco la ventana de login, sin permitirme entrar al producto en sí, que queda en una ventana en segundo plano. Y si cierro la ventana de Login, se me cierra el Bizagi.

      Incluso traté de volver a instalar el producto, con la opción "Reparar", pero el problema continúa.

      La versión es "BizagiModelerSetup_3.7.0123.exe".


      Este es el problema que acabo de describir en mi mensaje anterior (que, pese a tener una cuenta, identificarme correctamente), luego la ventana de Login NO desaparece y no me permite entrar a la aplicación.


      Dear users,

      We apologise for the late reply. We are currently at version 3.8 of Bizagi Modeller, so I expect that the issue you were experiencing has been resolved.

      I could not recreate the issue in the current version.

      A new version was recently released, and you can get this from .

      Please let us know if this has resolved your problem, we look forward to your response.

      Kind regards,

      David Foster