Represent Form Check-boxes and Radio-buttons in BPMN
I have a form where the user needs to make some selections before loading data from the system. I need to create a flow for this using Bizagi, but not sure what is the best way to do so. I am basically doubtful on correctly representing the check-box and radio-button selections:
- 2 check-boxes, either one is selected, or both or none.
- 2 radio-buttons, each of which has 2 options, either of which needs to be selected.
Dear Rahul,
Your doubts are in the right place! For the business logic, i.e. start the process, make some selections, load data...End Process, you can use Bizagi Modeler. Then you need to open your project in Bizagi Studio and start the Automation journey!
The 3rd step of the process automation is where you design the forms for the tasks/activities. This is out of the scope of this community site but we will share with you all the information about the Form Design process and the info about the controls (radio-buttons, check-boxes among others).
Define Forms:
As a recommendation, for similar topics, you can use our Suite Community site:
Hope this information works for you.
Best regards!
Thank you Andres for the response.
I checked the shared links, but I feel those are a bit different from what exactly I am looking for. I will try to explain a bit more about my use case below:
1. I have a form where user needs to fill in some details.
2. Finally, before submitting the form, they have an option to check/uncheck 2 checkboxes.
3. Depending on the whether none, either or both are selected, I need to define in flow the next possible set of steps.
I am trying to understand how I can best explain this in a BPMN diagram.
Hope this helps and I am able to explain the scenario well.
Hi Rahul,
We apologise for the late response. I appreciate that the situation may have changed and the issue may have been resolved, but I would like to help regardless.
I understand that you wanted to respresent these features in the process model itself, and not in another form. Please understand that we have designed Bizagi Studio to deliver these features in a user-friendly, low-code process, so we are always eagre to show off these features.
Our Bizagi Modeller is a modelling software application that is based on the BPMN 2.0 standard where user forms are represented as user activity steps in the process flow. Therefore, there are no features for representing lower level form controls. Bizagi Studio will enable you to create these forms very quickly so that you can exhibit them in action to your business stakeholders.
However, you can add images of form designs as extended attributes of activities. Please see this page for the details:
Also, you can add other custom artifacts to the process model. Please see this page for the details:
If you would like any assistance with Bizagi Studio, or are intrested in learning about any other features in the Bizagi Suite, we would love to hear from you.
Kind regards,
David Foster
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