Print Large Process Models - Black Pages
Hi, I try to print a large process model on 24 A4 Pages. When I set up everything in the print preview window everything is ok. When I print the model, then the first 3 or 4 pages are printed correctly but the rest have just black Content. Why is this so and what is the solution for that Problem? Best RegardsMichael
Dear Michael,
In order to best help you to solve this issue, please tell us about your environment:
In addition, we would like to know if this issue also happens when you print in a PDF printer. For example:
Thank you in advance
I have the same problem.
Windows 10
Printer is Brother HL-5350DN with last driver update
Problem does not happen when printing to PDF
In my case, pages 2 and 4 from 4 are black.
Dear Henrique,
In order to deal with your request, we require a copy of the steps you took which produced the error, and a copy of your BPM file. Please send it to which will be analysed for our team.
This information will be treated as strictly confidential and the file will be deleted once it is no longer needed for support purposes.
We look forward to hearing from you
Dear Juan.
I just sent e-mail as per your request. Please feel free to contact me.
Thanks and best regards,
Dear Henrique,
Thank you for your feedback through the email. This problem has been solved. Please apply this FIX according the instruction file which includes the solution:
Best Regards
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