
Parallel gateway not working 2


This is the second time I report this problem. The last one was overlooked and got assigned as "Not a problem".

There is something wrong with the Parallel Gateways. Please see the image attached.

Can you let me know what is going on, please?

I tried all sort of things to solve the issue:

* Deleted the gateway and created a new one

* Added an activity before the gateway on each arrow position (blank)

* Instead of the Signal start events I tried to use an "Event based gateway" with intermediate events and that also did not work


Comments (4)


Hi Lucas,

The image you supplied does not display any validation error, but I will assume that the gateway circled doesn't have the correct number of incoming paths.

Parallel gateways are used as either convergent or divergent gateways, meaning they should have one incoming path and multipl outgoing paths for divergent, and the opposite for convergent. The description for each gateway type can be found here:

We have created an eLearning video on how to use parallel gateways here:

As an example, if you have used a divergent gateway to split one path into 2, according to BPMN, there must be a pairing convergent gateway that merges these 2 paths into 1 further down the flow.

Please let us know if this has resolved your problem, we look forward to your response.

Kind regards,

David Foster


Hi David,

That was not the problem.

As you can see from the picture I had attached, there were only 2 incoming arrows to the Parallel Gateway. The previous elements had received 10 tokens, but for some reason the gateway was not accepting those tokens.



Hi Lucas,

We are trying to recreate the issue and we will post the answer here.

KInd regards,

David Foster


Hi Lucas,

Again, thank you for your feedback on this issue, it is very helpful. This is the same bug as the one affecting the event based gateway in post:

The product team have logged the bug to be fixed for a future release of Bizagi Modeler.

KInd regards,
