
Opção Desabilitada

Good Morning..!

Why did the simulation view option be locked?

A feature that we could test our process and after validated be able to put in Studio.

So far do not understand why put paid certain options.

Comments (2)


Dear Giovani,

We share with you the reason why the simulation is now a Premium feature:

Important: Simulation is now part of the premium features. Only users in Professional, Workgroup (Trial included) and Enterprise can use this functionality. Why do we have this change? Bizagi Modeler offers simulation using a simulation Engine called L-SIM from Lanner ( In the past they provided the component for free, but now Lanner is charging Bizagi for distributing this component. Thus, Bizagi is moving the simulation capabilities to the paid tier of Modeler Services.

Further information:

Thanks for your understanding.



Bom Dia..!!

Agradeço imensamente o feedback.

entendo perfeitamente..!