My simulation stops at event based gateway
When I run a simulation all the progress stops on the event based gateway (simple one - message or timeout) and nothing gets through.
I tried to make a new model to test the gateway (pretty much this ) and it stopped counting on the event based gateway even there.
What can I do to test it? I use 64-bit bizagi modeler
Dear Jana,
You could check if your model has some elements which are not currently supported by the Simulation engine in Bizagi.This engine is provided by Lanner, our technological ally, and it will not currently simulate models having:
it is event based gateway. I even tried making a new model just to test it and it failed.
Is there a workaround?
Dear Jana,
You can include gateways, but no complex gateways. Be sure in this point: Gateways which not entirely define as converging or diverging (exclusively). Meaning, that a gateway should be either (convergent or divergent), but not both or none.
You can share your model in order to analyze it.
Dear Juan.
Please return to my original question:
So my questions are:
Dear Juan.
I played around and it stopped exploding. However the event based gate still doesn't let anything through.
Is there something that can be done with it?
Dear Jana,
Sorry, I was confused with complex gateway and event based gateway. Please check the following considerations to take into account:
•The following BPMN elements are not supported by the simulation engine:
•The following diagrams are not supported by the simulation engine:
Hi Jana,
From what I can see, it seems like there is nothing throwing an event to your process (hence nothing to catch, hence stuck waiting).
Have you tried using a second pool to enable that communication? See my example (attached file) using messages sent and received between 2 pools.
Haven't played with the conditional event, but the principle should be pretty similar.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions/comments.
There is a different aswer to Jane's question (see my Comment earlier today), as this situation is not one of the excluded cases mentioned in the documentation (since we have an Event-gateway that is not followed by a None intermediate event or task).
I'll be glad to elaborate, if anybody is interested.
Dear Razvan,
We have an example using 5 pools where they established a very good communication. You can simulate it without any problem.
I had the same problem with an Event-base Gateway.
Both of my paths stand without occurrences.
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