
imput process data ?

Hi Guys,
I am stuck on a problem.
I have modeled a process. but there is no input for process data. Based on these process data my process flow should be controlled. The decisions which process steps are performed next, should be taken to the respective gateways.

thank you :)

Comments (3)


Dear Kurosch,

Regarding this question, Bizagi modeler doesn´t have a way to enter information in order to take decisions. You can create scenarios to estimate and analyze decisions. What if analysis is a powerful tool for improvement that evaluates how strategic, tactical or operational changes may impact the business . Through different scenarios you will be able to perform a true-to-life analysis of your processes without putting your business operation at risk.

Bizagi allows you to easily carry out what-if analysis on your processes to evaluate, understand and predict the effects of your decisions over given performance measures. You will be able to perform What if analysis in any of the simulation levels.

For further information:

If you need to enter process data, then you need to automatize your BPM model with Bizagi Studio:

Best Regards


thank you first for the answer Mr. Zuluaga,

is it not possible to influence the process flow with the XML Import/Export feature ? maybe there can be added extended attributes to influence the process flow?

Best Regards Kurosch


Dear Kurosch,

Regarding your last question, there is not a feature to influence the process flow. Only the simulation has a feature almost similar:

Gateways routing: Inclusive and exclusive Gateways have activation probabilities. Probabilities are values between 0 and 100%.

Select the Gateway and click the scroll arrow icons (icon) to set the probabilities.


If you do not define probabilities for the paths, they will be equally distributed.

Best Regards