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event sub-process

Why when I create an event subprocess there is no start event on the palette for me to choose from?

I can only start it with an intermediate event? that´s not specified in BPMN...


Dear Egon,

For subprocess information you can refer to the following link

Also you can convert your subprocess in reusable subprocess but that depence of what you need to do, for reusable subprocess you can refer to this link



Dear Egon,

Embedded Sub-processes are an Inline block, that group process elements used in a certain point in the process within a Sub-process. According to BPMN, a Sub-process should not have pools or lanes as they are dependent on the parent process and subsequently have visibility to the parent's global data. It does not have start event.In order to make use of pools, lanes and milestones diagram elements in a Sub-process, change your default Sub-process to a reusable Sub-process. Reusable Sub-processes allow all of these elements. Note, in BPMN reusable sub-processes are called "Call Activities".For more information please refer to Converting to reusable sub-process
