
Error message when trying to open (Check in) files in Bizagi cloud

When trying to 'check-in' all my files stored in Bizagi cloud, I keep getting the error message - " An unknown error has been thrown in the Catalog 3 Client, please check the wire exception. Parameters: Root2bbfa3c6-f7b9-47ba-a221-2ccca44a17c1". Very disappointed as I have a lot of work stored there that needs to be completed ASAP.

Comments (1)


Dear Eileen,

We're sorry you are experiencing issues with the Bizagi cloud. Please refer to the following steps to resolve your issue:

  • 1. Go to Open > right click over the diagram >

    remove from recent models

  • 2. Remove the diragram from cloud
  • 3. Close your Modeler
  • 4. Open the file and procced to save to cloud.

If the above steps do not resolve your problem please let us know so we can further investigate the problem.
