Does word templates overides the fonts used in description field in properties?
Hello, I would like to use a diferent font than the ones used in the model (description and extended atributes in properties). I have already modified the styles in the .dot template (Normal / ModelerNormal styles) but I still get a published output showing the fonts used in the modeler. Am I missing anything? Can you help me please? Thank you!
Dear Liong,
Bizagi Modeler has two predefined templates for the user to choose from to generate Word documentation.
You can design and define your own template in Microsoft Office Word to be used when you generate your Word documentation.
For further information:
I am sorry to know I was unable to make a clear understanding of what my question is. You gave me a generic answer and refered to something one could easily find out in the online documentation.
Let me try to remake my question so maybe you can help me in a more effective way:
1. The objective is to generate a Word file in which the texts in the fields of properties of the elements would appear in font CALIBRI.
2. Default font used by Bizagi is SEGOE.
3. I have created a .dot file in which I changed the font of style MODELERNORMAL and NORMAL to CALIBRI. My expectation is that by PUBLISHing the MODEL using Word and the template I created, the output would be a Word file showing the text in the PROPERTIES fields (description and extended ones) in CALIBRI. Is my assumption correct?
4. I noticed that in order to have the word output using font CALIBRI I would have to go to each element, in each properties´ field and change from SEGOE to CALIBRI. Doing this way the Word file would also be published in CALIBRI. Does one really has to do the change of the font individually or is there an "automatic" way to do so?
Liong Khoe
Dear Liong,
Thank you for your explication. In order to reproduce this issue, let us know what version of Bizagi Modeler you have installed.
Thank you in advance
Dear Liong,
We will analyze this topic. As soon as possible, we will write back.
Dear Liong,
After our analysis, we can conclude that Font for properties and attributes of tasks can be changed in modeler using the rich text editor, for this reason, when the model is published to word, it takes the font previously changed in modeler, not the word template font. For instance, if we want to change the font for three properties, we have to change each of them using the rich text editor.Regards
This should be noted as a DEFECT and scheduled for resolution. In short, you need someone proficient in MS Word to go over how you are creating the Word document. It is really bad form, for example, to make things like bold headings from the "Normal" style by adding bold, font, font size, etc. but that is what the program is doing. For example, look at the headings for "Description" or "Gates" in the generated document. These things need to have their own styles in the template.
So, we can modify the biz... styles and that works, but because of the poor way your document generation is treating the "Normal" style, nothing can be done with it. Incidentally, Segoe 8 is a really inappropriate font for a Word document - it's too small and not well known.
If a person simply types into the various boxes (description, etc.) without modifying the style, then that should arrive in the Word document as "Normal" and untainted by over-riding font, bold or size settings! This would allow us to simply modify "Normal" in our custom template and get the desired result.
The headings which are now being done with Normal PLUS some other attributes (really bad form in Word) should be their own style like the higher level headings and then we could control them via a custom template. That would also allow us to add things like "keep paragraph with next" to those headings - something sorely needed in the current template. As long as they use "Normal" that can't be done as putting that attribute on normal text would be disastrous.
IMO, it's a BUG, please add to your backlog!
It's ridiculous to have to strong-arm the text to the desired in every single little box all through a process document over and over. Body text should simple be "Normal" style in the generated document so it can be configured (and later modified) globally as it should be in Word. Find a Word expert to help with this!
Or, alternatively, make another style like bizBodyText and default it to that. Then we'd be able to control it like the high-level headings.
Dear Salim,
Currently our product does not include this feature. We invite you to use our feedback platform on the ideas space to post your request.
This platform will allow you to share your ideas so that the whole Bizagi BPM Modeler community can vote and discuss them. We want to make sure we solve the needs of our clients, so that we can add the features you consider most important.
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