
Allow you to select breakpoints for images of larger diagrams

Sometimes when modeling a process the diagram is longer than will easily print on the page, even if you do make judicious use of sub processes. If you shrink the diagram to fit to page you could still run into the issue that the text gets too small to read easily.

On diagrams I've done I've seen this commonly on the ones where I am breaking the tasks out over three or more milestones. Normally in this case I'll just extract the diagram as one large image and use something like Photoshop to cut it up into printable size pieces and then tape them back together to create the long milestone diagram.

Sometimes it crosses pages in convenient spots, other times not.

One solution is of course to purchase a large format printer, but for me that's not an an available option.

So my suggestion is this:

1. Come up with a way, visually within modeler to indicate when a diagram is wider than a page or multiple pages.

2. Come up with something like Guides in Photoshop where you can drop a line (or lines) on the diagram and tell the modeler where to break up the larger image at.

3. create a popup or some other option that can be selected at print or save time so that the large diagram is still extracted like normal but so that the user can also choose yes or no to extract the image using the guides for easy assembly.

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